Title: Burn Up Series: Steel Veins #2 Author: Jackson Kane Genre: Contemporary Romance/MC Romance Release Date: November 30, 2019 She didn't see what was coming. I shouldn't have let down my guard. For five long years, I echoed the words honor, loyalty, and brotherhood off my prison cell walls. It's all that's kept me going. Now on the outside, seeing my club all twisted up, all I want is my freedom, freedom from everything—including that brotherhood. Pres wants one last ride out of me then all my debts are paid. Bullets, fire, a goddamned army, nothing will keep me from finishing this run! Except for the one thing I hadn't counted on. A girl named Maya. Burn Up, a motorcycle romance set in the Steel Veins Motorcycle Club, is filled with heat, nail-biting violence, and heart-racing adventure. Burn Up has been reedited, packaged, and is complete with NEW material. He cradled my neck and cheek, and I let him guide me to where I really belonged. He aligned my ...
All things book related - reviews, promos, etc. Also TV, movies, coffee, anything that might take root in my mind. Tom Hardy, Warriors, #DubNation, 49ers. Supernatural, Lucifer, SoA & Mayans MC fanatic. Dreamer. Reader. Wife. Aunt. Kitten mom. City girl.