Title: Heartbreak Hitter A Cocky Hero Club Novel Author: Kimberly Readnour Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: October 31, 2021 Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series. BLURB Second shots and fake dates, what can go wrong? I screwed up. Considering the team is laden with controversy, adding to the rumor mill wasn’t my intention, especially since this is my second shot at the majors. As the Boston Bears’ first basemen, my job consists of more than winning games. I’m tasked with winning over the scorned fans. I thought my batting average would speak for itself. I was wrong. When my off-the-field actions collide with my on-the-field goals, I have no choice but to devise the persona of being a committed man. The task is impossible until I meet my neighbor, Hailey LaCroix. Goal-driven and refined, she’s the p...
All things book related - reviews, promos, etc. Also TV, movies, coffee, anything that might take root in my mind. Tom Hardy, Warriors, #DubNation, 49ers. Supernatural, Lucifer, SoA & Mayans MC fanatic. Dreamer. Reader. Wife. Aunt. Kitten mom. City girl.